Viking Ship Relay
On Sunday 22nd September Dover Road Runners staged their 5th Viking Ship Relay which started at Dover Leisure Centre and finished at Pegwell Bag.
This year seven teams ran the 19.5 mile course taking in Langdon Cliffs, St Margarets, Kingsdown, Deal and Sandwich Bay.
In perfect weather conditions some very good times
were achieved with Gary Husk, Emma Roberts and Julian Manser, although starting last, leading the way.
Final results were:
1st Gary Husk, Emma Roberts, Julian Manser
2nd Warren Uden, Richard Phillips, Jane Phillips
3rd Martin McConnell Odette Collard-Woolmer Angela Parker
4th Rick Roddy, Jo Daniels, Mike Bond
5th Jon Wiles, Claire Thurgate, Kirsty Lyon.
6th Graham Foote, Tracy Foote Pat Coleman
7th Louise Black, Jo Boraston Colin Simpson
Special mention should be made to Neil Coleman who couldn’t find anyone to run with and ran the whole 19.5 course himself
and would have finished in 5th position!
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