DRR Awards Night – March 2019

Dover Road Runners Awards 2018

DRR Awards Night 2019


Best performance by a Male at Park runs

Nominations are Darren Mills. Julian Manser, Phil Sluman, Dave Sluman.

Darren and Julian constantly attending around the county and improving as well as the winners. For the first time the committee could not make a decision and split the 2 brothers; this year’s winners are Phil & Dave Sluman.

Phil & Dave Sluman - Best Performance by a Male at Parkrun

Phil & Dave Sluman – Best Performance by a Male at Parkrun (collected by Mark)


Best performance by a Female at Park runs

Nominations are Jane Philips. Claire Hart, Giselle Tomaszewska.

Jane continually attends and supports others at Park run whilst improving. Claire Hart has got her park run time down this year and after a year out to have her child, Giselle has returned to park runs and improved her time; this year’s winner Giselle.

Giselle Tomaszewska - Best Performance by a Female at Parkrun

Giselle Tomaszewska – Best Performance by a Female at Parkrun


Best Performance at Samphire Hoe series by a Male

The nominations are Warren Uden, Chris Kirby, Chris Searson.

As last year could have been the last one for a while as Nice works are not running the series; this year’s winner of the award and series again is Warren Uden.

Warren Uden - Best Performance at Samphire Hoe Series by a Male

Warren Uden – Best Performance at Samphire Hoe Series by a Male


Best Performance at the Samphire Hoe series by a Female.

Nominations are Jo Daniels, Michele Barnes, Kirsten Mueller.

This year winner won her age group as well as a couple of bottles of wine; the winner is Jo Daniels.

Jo Daniels - Best Performance at Samphire Hoe Series by a Female

Jo Daniels – Best Performance at Samphire Hoe Series by a Female


Best Performance over the Marathon Distance or more by a Male

Nominations are  Kevin Hart,  Alan Wood,  Dave Bacmeister, Gary Barnes .

Gary Barnes for his 100 marathon achievement  Dave Bacmeister for  his Snowdon  marathon and Alan Woods and Kevin Hart for their Brighton Marathons  performances and good for age London Marathon qualifying time.  We wait for years for a sub 3hr marathon and then get 2 on the same day and a minute apart so the committee decision that both shall get the award.  Alan Wood & Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart & Alan Wood - Best Performance over a Marathon distance or more, by a Male

Kevin Hart & Alan Wood – Best Performance over a Marathon distance or more, by a Male


Best Performance over the Marathon Distance or more by a Female

Nominations are Odette Collard-Woolmer. Claire Thurgate, Amy Stimpson, Michele Barnes.

Michele for hard work en route for her quest to 100 marathons, Amy Stimpson for her Manchester marathon and London Marathon qualifying time for Good for Age. Odette for her quest to break 4 hour time and Claire for her marathon in Australia. The winner is Amy Stimpson.

Amy Stimpson - Best Performance over a Marathon distance or more, by a Female

Amy Stimpson – Best Performance over a Marathon distance or more, by a Female


Most Improved Female Award

Nominations are Zoe Holmes, Claire Hart, Michele Barnes.

Michele again for her other times as they are improving as a result for quest to her 100 marathons, Zoe for her improvement over the year again at all distances despite her disappointment at her marathon last year. And this year’s winner had set her targets and reached them and has continued improving into 2019 improving.   The winner with 12 PBs is Claire Hart

Claire Hart - Most Improved Female

Claire Hart – Most Improved Female


Most Improved Male Award

Nominations are Jacob Manley, Chris Searson. Adam Tomaszewski.

The winner for various performances is Jacob Manley

Jacob Manley - Most Improved Male

Jacob Manley – Most Improved Male


Best Performance by a Female Runner

Nominations are Amy Tyler, Claire Hart, Sophie Moore.

Amy Tyler for her PB at the Folkestone 10, Claire Hart for multiple performances, and Sophie Moore for PB at the Folkestone 10.  The winner is Amy Tyler – was Bacmeister.

Amy Tyler - Best Performance by a Female

Amy Tyler – Best Performance by a Female


Best Performance by a Male Runner not Marathon distance

Nominations are Kevin Hart, Alan Wood, Jared Dobson.

Kevin Hart for his PB at the Deal Dinosaur, Alan Wood for his PB at the Deal Half,  Jared Dobson for a good PB in the Givaudan Ashford 10k.   The winner is Jared Dobson

Jared Dobson - Best Performance by a Male

Jared Dobson – Best Performance by a Male


Endeavour Award

Jane Philips.  Gary Barnes, Zoe Holmes.  Neil and Patricia Coleman for extraordinary performances throughout the year.  The winner is the running machine, Mr 100 marathons – Gary Barnes


Club Person of the Year  –  Sylvia Barrett & Phil Coleman

Club Person of the Year - Sylvia Barrett & Phil Coleman

Club Person of the Year – Sylvia Barrett & Phil Coleman (collected by Kathryn)


This was all preceded by a Special Award to John Thorpe for Services to Dover Road Runners. This trophy was accepted from the President and much appreciated.  The Award included Honorary Membership of the Club which was also appreciated but politely declined with thanks.

John Thorpe

John Thorpe – Services to Dover Roadrunners